Write your name on paper and fold rosebuds in the paper.
Carry next to your body. Put rosebuds in a jar of water with lid with the name of the one you desire. Sprinkle on your feet daily.
MOJO POWER (Mojo Beans )
Good Luck is drawn to the one who carries this charm. Add to charm bags and gambling bags. To remove bad luck, crush the beans and get rid of in running water.
BLOCK BUSTER (Black Cohosh) Brew in a quart of water. Keep closed with a lid. Sprinkle yourself daily to keep evil from causing you trouble. |
MONEY DRAWING (Bay Leaves) Carry folded in a $ bill and keep with your money to keep money coming in. Rub on your money hand palm daily. Make a list of your needs, with the amounts, and keep a bay leaf folded inside the list until the money comes in. Crush a leaf to anoint candles, or drop in money oil. |
BREAK UP-Love Affair (Patchouli) Draw an image of each person,and write a name on each image. Glue Patchouli on each image, anoint with oil. After 3 days, burn the images in incense. |
MONEY MAGNET - Money In My Hand (May Apple) Put a $ Bill in a bowl or jar, add May Apple, add water. Daily-stir or shake the water, anoint your right hand with the water and rub the palm of your left hand. Use your finger, and draw the numbers in your hand for the money you need, such as $100.00. This does not lose its strength. You can put a few sticks standing up in the ground outside your home, or near your mailbox. |
CONFUSION-Break Up Cassia Seeds Put a block of confusion between you those who work against you. Break Up a bad situation or affair. Glue 7 to paper on which you have written their name. Tear off 1 daily and burn with incense for 7 days. Say your desire out loud. Say Amen. |
PAY ME NOW - Money Due, Loan, Collect a Debt (Bay Leaf) Write the source of the money you need. and how much money. Drop Yellow Dock onto the paper fold with writing inside.. Then seal with wax from a Money Candle. |
COURT CASE-JUST JUDGE (Black Candle Tobacco) Cause a court case to go your way,
Keep yourself or a loved one out of reach of the court.
Put 1 tbsp tobacco and 2 cups water around your Court candle.
Daily, anoint your hands with the water, pray thru your hands for God's intervention for your need.
Rub a pinch of tobacco between your hands.
Put just a pinch in your pocket or purse. |
PEACEFUL HOME (Irish Moss) House Blessing Place under a rug for peace and harmony. Put in 4 corners also. Protect my family from harm. Give us Peace Amen |
DO AS I SAY-BEND OVER-CONTROLLING POWER (Knotweed) Write the name of the one you want to do as you want, and what you want of them on paper, and put in a pan with 1 quart of water. Add 1 spoon of herb. Bring to a boil - cover - let set overnight. Carry the paper pinned to your body when you are in contact with them. Sprinkle the water on your hands, anywhere you might hear their voice or come in contact with them; your home, job, phone, mailbox... |
CLEANSING - SPIRITUAL WORK - PSYCHIC VISION (Hyssop) A Most Powerful Worker! SEE THE TRUTH - BE PREPARED - KNOW ENEMIES PROTECTION - HEALING Sprinkle a pinch in bath before doing spiritual work, or before visioning. Add to candle water dish, use for anointing. Write your name on paper which has 23rd Psalm. Then, for 7 days, burn a piece of paper in incense, and anoint yourself with the ash. |
CONTROL MY MATE (Coriander) Carry 7 seeds next to your body for 3 days. Then stuff in mate's pillow or mattress. Brew with 1 quart of water, put in a jar with a lid. Use the water to sprinkle on clothing, or where they sleep or sit. You can put a paper with your specific desire in the bottle. |
RETURN TO ME (Sea Salt) Sprinkle on the face of a mirror where you have seen your lover's image. You may need to use Psychic Vision oil to anoint the mirror in order to vision your lover. |
DRAWING-Love,Money,Success (Dill Seed) Wash white cloth in Glory Water.Tie seeds in 3 knots. Hang cloth in your home. God Answers Prayer |
REVERSABLE-Turn Back, Turn Around (Rattlesnake Root) Drop in a jar of water with the condition you want to turn around written on paper, shake the bottle, then throw (sprinkle) some of the water thru a window or open door daily for 9 times. Burn the herb with incense.You can add the name of the troublemaker. |
DRIVE AWAY EVIL-STOP EVIL (Mandrake) Brew in a quart of water. Daily-sprinkle over your head & at doorways & in corners & windows to keep evil from causing you trouble. Tie some in a white cloth and hang outside your door. |
ROAD OPENER (Sea Lettuce) Add to water, use to Anoint yourself daily. Wrap l tbsp in a white cloth, with a key (any key will do) for 9 days.Anoint with oil. This is your talisman for job,money,success |
FAST LUCK (Alfalfa) Good Luck is drawn by this herb. Sprinkle some in your cabinets, on your clothes, & where you keep your money |
RUN DEVIL RUN (Get Away Herb) Sprinkle in the path of evil doers to get them to leave you alone. Write the name of the person, or evil condition you want to remove. Sprinkle get away on the paper, & fold. Burn the paper with incense. |
FAST SUCCESS - (Basil) Rub between your hands before opening the door to your business, or before entering into any kind of a deal for business or advancement. Sprinkle on candles, incense. |
SHUT YOUR MOUTH-STOP GOSSIP (Slippery Elm) Write the gossip or lie you want to be shut up on brown paper. Drop in water with Slippery Elm. You can boil the paper in water, or rub the writing until it disappears Carry a little in a bag to keep gossip & lines away. |
FIRE OF LOVE (Marigold) Daily Write the name of the one you desire on a paper, burn the paper with some Marigold. Rub between your hands. |
SPELLBREAKER ( Sage) Capture your image in a mirror. Place on a table face up. Crush sage, put in a jar of water. Anoint a white cloth to cleanse the mirror with the water daily for 9 days. Say Amen 9x. |
High John Conqueror Root Problem Solver. Nothing is too big for Hi John . Anoint with oil for special needs. Anoint yourself 7 times for any situation. Use in bags |
SPIRITUAL HEALING POWER (Rosemary) Brew in water, and wipe any area in a sick room. Put some in a bag and hang it where there is sickness or a spiritual need. |
HELPING HAND - 7 HOLY SPIRITS All Purpose (Helping Hand Herb) Sprinkle on candles, or use in bath, anoint your home for prosperity. Use for Money, Job, Love, Success use the powers of the saints. Drop some in your hands,rub, pray 23 Psalm |
STAY AT HOME-LOVE ONLY ME (Senna) Melt a red candle, press Senna in the wax, form into an image. Scratch their name on the image, wrap in any cloth that belongs to you. |
HORN OF PLENTY-(Sandalwood) Write on a paper all your drawing needs, job, money, winning. Carry the paper folded with Alfalfa in a white cloth. Pray over the cloth anytime you need it.Good provider |
STEADY WORK-JOB (Chickweed) Burn on candles. Carry in your pocket. Wash hands in a bowl of water with 3 tsp. Chickweed before filling out application. |
HOT FOOT-Go Away Stay Away (Poke Root) Get Away From Me! Get Out of My Life! Capture person's image or draw their image in a mirror, put the mirror in bag with Poke Root, break the mirror. Shake bag daily, say their name. |
STRONG LOVE-MARRIAGE (Jasmine) Put a photo of your lover in a cloth, sprinkle with jasmine. Anoint yourself with the cloth regularly. They will be ashamed of any unfaithful act. Use instructions also for Senna |
IRRESISTIBLE - (Cinnamon) Tie in a white cloth, Daily- use the cloth to anoint yourself 7x . Put a little in an envelope, write your name on the envelope, and carry with you. |
3-DAY QUICK MONEY (Thyme) Daily-for 3 days-Write the money you need, and what you want the money for on paper and burn with incense. Put a smudge of incense ash on your mailbox or front door.
JINX REMOVER-JINX KILLER ? (Twiich Grass) Capture your image in a mirror. and place in a bowl of water with this herb for 3 days. Sprinkle water on your feet daily until the jinx is gone. Sprinkle at your front door, and outside. |
UNCROSSING-UNDO CONDITION (Verbena) Wrap 1 tsp. herb in a paper on which is written 23rd Psalm, with your name. Carry next to your body. Then, for 7 days, burn a piece of the paper in incense, and anoint yourself with the ash. Put 1 tsp. in Holy Water. Anoint your home or family with the water daily. Don't Be Without This - Keep Away Trouble!
KING SOLOMON - Miracle Worker! Wisdom,Influence ((King Solomon Root) Hold in your hand and pass over school papers, job applications, any time you need to draw wisdom & influence.Draws the right people, influence and power. |
WEALTHY WAY-EASY STREET (Nettle) Burn in incense, Anoint your candles. Put a picture or a list of the things you want under the candle, or put Nettle on the image and fold in a red cloth. headline
LOVE DRAWING POWER (Lavendar) Write your name on paper, put in bowl of water with Lavendar, then let it dry. Wear the paper next to your heart. Wear some lavendar in your clothing. Strong Drawer |
PROTECTION-KEEP AWAY HARM, HATE, ENEMY (5 Finger Grass) Keep away any evil 5 fingers can do. Brew in a quart of water use for sprinkling, or anointing your home or your family. Put some in both shoes & pockets |
DRAW A LOVER FROM ANOTHER - (Violet) Put in a dish of water. Daily-sprinkle some of the water on an item which belongs to your lover, or draw their image on paper and use it. |
MAKE YOUR WISH (Job's Tears) (7) Place in each corner of your home, and at windows & doors. Wrap an image of your desire around l piece. Carry it with you. |